Allison Lieberman, Postpartum Anxiety and Depression, ADHD

Allison Lieberman, Lmft, Pmh-c,

Licensed in California & Montana

I help new moms overcome postpartum anxiety and reclaim their joy and peace.

Together, we will navigate the challenges of this journey by providing a safe space for healing, support, and personal growth.

By combining therapeutic techniques, mindfulness practices, and tailored strategies, I empower new moms to develop resilience, manage their anxiety, and cultivate a balance in their lives.

Through our collaboration, you can find solace, regain your confidence, and embrace motherhood with renewed strength and serenity.

Please note I am no longer accepting therapy clients at this time

Supervisor for Chelsea, Libby, & Mike.

NOW OFFERING: Postpartum Planning Sessions, Perinatal Consultation, Mother-Infant Assessments, & Clinical Supervision

Allison Lieberman Postpartum Anxiety


Articles Written

  • 7 Simple Tips to being a “Good Enough” Mom

    When I first had kids, I wished to be the perfect mom. The kind who made homemade baby food, breastfed, never permitted their kids to have frozen food, and never settled for snacks for dinner…

  • Growing Up With a Bipolar Mother: Signs, Effects, & How to Cope

    As the child of a mother with bipolar disorder, you may have found that you are more like a parent than a child. While it can be frustrating to feel like you have responsibility for your mother and her seemingly never-ending needs, there is hope…

  • Adhd & Hypersexuality: Connection & Tips for Coping

    ADHD can lead to impulsive and compulsive behaviors, including hypersexual behavior. People with ADHD may have difficulty regulating their impulses and may seek out immediate gratification, leading to increased sexual activity or engagement in risky sexual behavior…

  • Completion Anxiety: Signs, Causes, & 8 Ways to Cope

    Completion anxiety is a type of anxiety that people experience when they are close to finishing a project or task. It can be triggered by various factors, including a desire to complete the task well and on time, as well as worry about what will happen if it isn’t completed. There are many strategies that can help you manage this feeling…

  • What Is Late Onset Bipolar Disorder? Diagnoses & Symptoms

    Late-onset bipolar disorder is the onset of bipolar disorder in individuals 50 or older. Bipolar disorder is a mental health condition characterized by intense mood phases, with manic episodes (highs) alternating with episodes of depression (lows). The diagnosis of late onset bipolar disorder involves consideration of conditions such as neurodegenerative disorders or other medical illnesses…

  • How to Stop a Manic Episode: 10 Ways to Cope

    Mania is a symptom of bipolar disorder that involves an abnormally elevated mood, increased energy, and a decreased need for sleep, among other symptoms. Psychotic symptoms such as delusions or hallucinations sometimes accompany mania. Work closely with a mental health professional, adhere to your treatment plan, and take medication as prescribed to manage or prevent a manic episode…

  • Does Sex Help With Anxiety?

    Evidence exists that sex can help with anxiety by increasing endorphins and oxytocin in your brain, which have been known to reduce stress levels and increase happiness. However, it is important to note that the impact of sex on anxiety will vary depending on the individual…

  • Healing Sexual Trauma: 6 Tips From a Therapist

    Healing from sexual trauma can be a complex and challenging process. It may take time to recover, but there are steps that you can take to support your recovery, whether you are seeking help on your own or in conjunction with therapy and treatment. It’s important to note that the recovery process differs for everyone, and there is no “right” way to recover from sexual trauma…

  • Autism in Women: Signs, Causes, & Support

    Autism in women is an often overlooked disorder that can cause a lot of frustration, overwhelm, and difficulty connecting. Autism in women can look like difficulty with social relationships, sensory overwhelm, sensory seeking, challenges in work life, and an intense focus on a desired topic. Treatment is only necessary if the symptoms negatively impact a person’s life…

  • Autistic Stimming: What It Is, Benefits, & Possible Risks

    Autistic stimming is repetitive behaviors used as a way to self-soothe when experiencing overstimulation, under stimulation, pain, and extreme emotions. It can be beneficial when there is awareness of your stimming behaviors and how they help you soothe. On the contrary, some risks associated with stimming can be a lack of concentration/focus, difficulty with interpersonal relationships, difficulty engaging in social situations, and self-harm based behaviors…

  • Rejection Sensitive Dysphoria (Rsd) & Adhd: Understanding the Connection

    A person struggling with Rejection Sensitivity Dysphoria (RSD) experiences intense sensitivity to any perceived or suggested criticism. RSD is not a diagnosable condition and is rather a symptom commonly seen in those with ADHD. Dealing with these heightened emotions can be challenging, but there are both treatment options and healthy coping skills you can try to help you address them…

  • Am I Experiencing New Mom Burnout?

    New mom burnout causes feelings of overwhelm, physical and emotional exhaustion, emotional distancing from children, and a sense of being ineffective as a new mom. We are taught, both explicitly and implicitly, that the newborn phase is so rewarding, fulfilling, and wonderful that new baby snuggles will instantly fulfill you, that it is so joyful that the occasional difficulties (diaper blowouts, pumping, washing bottles, 2 AM wakeup calls) are barely noticeable…

  • Sensory Overload & ADHD: Causes, Symptoms, & Treatment

    Due to their unique neurological differences, individuals with ADHD are prone to sensory overload. This occurs when the brain is overwhelmed by excessive sensory input, such as loud noises, bright lights, and crowded spaces. Symptoms include difficulty concentrating, anxiety, and physical discomfort. Treatment can vary from creating a sensory diet to medication that manages ADHD symptoms.

  • Is Anxiety Neurodivergent? Research Based Answers

    Anxiety is not a neurodivergent disorder. Instead, it is an emotional response to stress or perceived threats that can affect individuals with or without neurodivergent conditions. However, anxiety can manifest differently in people with neurodivergent conditions, and they may have unique challenges in managing and coping with anxiety.

  • I Hate Myself: Why You Struggle With Self-Hatred & How to Stop

    You might struggle with self-hatred due to negative self-perceptions, past experiences, and unrealistic expectations. It’s essential to recognize that self-hate is a common human experience that can be overcome. Understanding its roots is the first step towards healing and embracing self-compassion. Remember, you are not alone; there is hope for positive change.

  • Introverts & Depression: Understanding the Facts Vs. Myths

    Introversion is a personality trait characterized by a preference for solitude and quiet environments, while depression is a mental health condition involving persistent sadness and hopelessness. While introverts may have a higher likelihood of experiencing social fatigue, both introverts and extroverts can experience a range of emotional states unrelated to their personality type, including happiness and sadness.

  • ADHD & Forgetfulness: Understanding the Link

    ADHD often involves forgetfulness. People with ADHD may struggle to remember tasks, appointments, and details due to distractibility and impulsivity. Developing consistent habits, such as using mnemonic devices, time management techniques, and mindfulness practices, can enhance an individual’s functioning and reduce the impact of forgetfulness. Therapy and medication can also be highly effective in managing ADHD-related memory challenges.

  • Does ADHD Get Worse With Age?

    There is no singular answer to whether ADHD will get worse with age. While hyperactivity may diminish in adulthood, inattention and impulsivity often persist. Life’s demands can also change as one grows older, potentially amplifying or mitigating the impact of ADHD. Successful management and treatment can significantly influence how ADHD affects a person’s life, making early diagnosis and intervention crucial.

  • How to Help Someone With Postpartum Depression

    To help someone with postpartum depression, offer a listening ear, encourage them to seek professional help, assist with daily tasks, and promote self-care. Be patient, understanding, and empathetic, as their journey to recovery may take time, but your support can make a significant difference in their healing process.

  • Anxiety at Work: When to Quit

    Deciding when to quit a job due to anxiety is a significant choice that requires careful consideration. If your anxiety consistently interferes with your ability to perform tasks, compromises your well-being, and doesn’t improve despite efforts to manage it, it might be time to consider leaving your current work situation.

  • Video Games & Depression

    While excessive gaming can lead to social isolation and neglect of other life aspects, it doesn’t directly cause depression. However, it can exacerbate existing depressive tendencies. Moderation and balance in gaming habits are key to enjoying video games without adverse mental health effects.

  • Hyperactive-Impulsive Type: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatment

    Hyperactive-impulsive ADHD is marked by strong impulsiveness and hyperactivity. People with this type of ADHD find it difficult to control their urges, act without much thought, and are restless. Signs include trouble sitting still, interrupting others, and feeling impatient. Treatment often involves therapy, medication, and adjustments with school or work to improve symptoms and daily life.

  • Bend Health Review 2023: Pros & Cons, Cost, & Who It’s Right For

    Bend Health is an online mental healthcare platform for children, teens, and families across the US that earned 4 out of 5 stars overall. Bend Health provides virtual sessions, accepts a wide range of major insurance policies, collaborates with certain employers, and offers a subscription plan. Bend Health costs $100-$500 monthly, depending on your subscription.


  • Why You're Feeling 'Touched Out'—and How to Reclaim Your Space

    Baby needs to feed, your toddler is hanging on your leg and you want just two minutes to yourself. Deep breath—here’s what to do…

  • Why So Many New Parents Are Languishing—and What to Do About It

    The truth is, the early days of parenting can feel tedious. It’s normal and common to feel like you’re stuck in a rut. Here, tips to help you snap out of it…

  • Why Are Conflict Modes Important to Healthy Relationships?

    Do you compete, accommodate, avoid, collaborate or compromise during arguments?

  • The important difference between postpartum psychosis and postpartum depression

    Both conditions can hit new mothers hard, but for separate reasons and with very different symptoms.


  • The Healthy Post Natal Body Podcast

    Postpartum Anxiety. Often ignored and misdiagnosed. Why? And how can you overcome it?

  • Adhd Rewired Podcast

    Postpartum Anxiety and ADHD

  • Kula Conversations for the Modern Mom

    How to Manage Fighting and Other Relationship Issues After Baby

  • FearLESS Parenting Podcast

    FearLESS Parenting Interview of Allison Lieberman, The New Mama Mentor

  • Mom Camp: Around the Campfire Podcast

    Recognizing Postpartum Anxiety

  • The Soulful Human Podcast

    PPD, PPA, and the Importance of Genuine Support

  • Bonus Babies Podcast

    “These Children Become Sexually Exploited Children by Being Sold to Other People”

  • Mind Stories

    “Barriers to Mental Health Treatment in Post-Partum Moms”

  • Honest as a Mother

    “How Having Children Can Affect Our Marriage”

  • Chatty Geek Hidden Dragon

    Meet the New Mama Mentor!

  • Your Birth Partners

    Holding Space for Perinatal Mental Health

Client Testimonials


“Session was a total safe the sessions have become a priority in my life. I feel empowered and more able to take on the world.”


“I’ve been seeing Allison for almost two and a half years following the birth of my little one and she’s been such a pillar of support to me and in my journey into motherhood and navigating all my issues with adjusting to this change (PPA/D, changes to our marriage, childhood traumas, etc). Allison is warm, empathetic, and skilled in her knowledge on maternal mental health and I’m so grateful to have found her when I did.”


“Allie has the gift of asking the right questions, with genuine compassion, so you can come to conclusions on your own. This provides a sense of empowerment that is necessary to build confidence in your own decision-making. Allie is authentic while incorporating the right amount of humor. Most importantly, she has the experience and knowledge to warrant her services.”

Contact us.